Apollo Reimagined

This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, delivering our in-person interventions on paediatric wards has not been possible, however over the past 10 months we have found ways to adapt our Apollo Programme, ensuring we continue to support children and young people during their hospital stay. Read on to find out more…

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The reimagining of our Apollo project started in April with our NHS rainbow project. Our artist Jo Paul worked with paediatric play workers and local children to create a huge rainbow thank you card. This was placed inside Whipps Cross Hospital, brightening up the ward whilst offering words of support and thanks to the NHS staff who are working so tireless to keep us safe and well.


Next came our activity books for children and young people, Bored on the Ward? and Mind : Off, created in collaboration with artist Jon Van Beek, illustrator Robin Lane Roberts and designer Kathryn Corlett. Packed with creative activities, mindful exercises, jokes, riddles and much more, these books are all about supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing through creativity, laughter and joy. It was also important to us that, even though we weren’t there in person, the activities encouraged connection and interaction, an example of which can be seen below.

Thank you for our booklet it kept us happy, from a tired mum.

Patient: Did you hear the joke about the virus?

Nurse: Never mind, I don’t want to spread it around.

During this time we also receive funding from CAST to explore the possibility of using digital solutions on our Apollo Programme. We learnt so much and had such fun researching the possibility of using Augmented Reality to further our reach and access in hospital settings. We will continue to research and develop these possibilities throughout 2021.


In winter we brought our creative team back together, joined this time by Natasha Cossey, to create the second editions of our activity books. This time we went a step further and put together kit bags full of creative craft supplies.  We are overjoyed to be sending these out to 80 children during the festive period.

We are so proud of the creativity and adaptability of our team who, despite the challenges that have presented themselves, have been able to bring joy to children and young people experiencing a hospital stay at this time! We hope to be back on the ward soon but until then here are a few fun festive activities for you to try…

Can you spot all 17 differences?

Why not make your own fairy light garland?

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Pages from Apollo Activity Book Junior_Nov 2020 FINAL-3.jpg

This project was made possible by BBC Children In Need, The Saturday Hospital Fund and the kind donations of our supporters.

BlogTara Postma