
Developing the skills of young people excluded from mainstream education


We believe that all young people should have the opportunity to lead creative lives, no matter their circumstances or needs.

Our Regulation project uses the arts to develop relationships, emotional literacy and communication skills of young people excluded from mainstream education. Our current work takes place in Beormund Primary School in Southwark.

Our organisation has a long track-record of working with young people schooled in primary and secondary Pupil Referral Units (PRU’s) usually as a result of their previous school placement having broken down through ill health, behaviour issues or other difficulties.

Through collaborative engagement, our aim is to increase young people’s capacity for engagement, self-efficacy, autonomy, relatedness, creativity and wellbeing.

Reasons Why


Children with psychological distress and mental health problems are more likely to be excluded from school.



Being excluded from school can exacerbate existing mental ill health and trigger long-term psychiatric illness. It affects children and young people’s wellbeing.



Pupils excluded from school at 12 are 4 times more likely to be jailed as adults.


Participatory arts activities with children and young people improve their cognitive, linguistic, social and emotional development.


Regulation is delivered in partnership with Beormund School.

We work with Beormund Primary School to deliver drama and visual arts workshops on a weekly basis to small groups of students. Our facilitators use activities to develop relationships, emotional literacy and communication skills. In 2022 the Kazzum Team transformed two mezzanine spaces in Beormund’s classrooms into spaces designated for reflection and peace. 

Beormund Primary school, based in Southwark, is a setting for children with social, emotional and mental health needs that have been excluded from mainstream education. The school combines a therapeutic and trauma-informed approach to learning with small class sizes and varied extracurricular activities for maximum benefits to the wellbeing of its students. 

Activities at Beormund school have included:

  • Drama - This includes storytelling games and activities, acting and performing as well as in-role ‘process drama’ to engage imagination, spontaneity, creative thinking and peer relationships. These physical and expressive sessions support the children to integrate curriculum-based learning from the classroom, and generate ideas in response to themes, as well as offering them space for self-expression and the generation of stories based upon their interests.  

  • Dance - These sessions take inspiration from Afrobeat dance and capoeira and explore the cultural context of movement styles. The group play games, build their own routines and experiment with freestyle movement. These energetic and physical sessions offer a chance for full body creative self-expression with a focus on positive peer relationships.  

  • Visual Arts - These sessions focus on building a sense of identity and the children’s autonomy over the space. The group generates ideas in response to curriculum themes, supporting the children to integrate their learning by creating artworks that they were able to take back to the classroom. We also support creative thinking and problem solving.  All art sessions use the calming and focused nature of visual arts to support the children's emotional regulation and develop relationships with peers and adults.   

In 2023/24:

  • 86.6% of participants reported that the Regulation project improved their creativity

  • 85% of participants reported that their wellbeing had increased

  • 87.1% of participants reported that they felt more engaged

If you are interested in our work in Alternative Provisions, look at our past project Build and resources.

I like to create things and when we are using the plasticine I like to use my imagination.
— Participant - Regulation

Work with us

If you would like to find out more about our unique trauma informed approaches, and how they might work in your setting please get in touch:

It offers an opportunity for the children to express themselves creatively and artistically.
— Teacher - Beormund School